ECOSMOS is an Estimator of COmmunity Structure based on MetabOlic networkS (see also here for details). ECOSMOS reveals community structure of microbial ecosystem; in particular, it estimates cooperative and competitive interspecific interactions from taxonomic composition data (e.g., obtained from 16S rRNA analysis) based on metabolic interactions between microbes. In addition to this, ECOSMOS estimates dynamic properties based on random matrix theory. Specifically, ECOSMOS evaluates the local instability and reactivity of observed ecosystems, and it finds species that are susceptible to perturbations.

Taxonomic composition data
Input taxonomic names and corresponding populations in tab-separated format as follows.
Arbitrary and mixed taxonomic levels are acceptable.

or upload your file.

Metabolite interaction database: KEGG map Stelzer et al., 2011
KEGG data were downloaded on May 31, 2020.

Kazuhiro Takemoto (takemoto[at]